To be honest, the minute we saw on fox on the apparel of some of the latest offerings from one of London’s best (and one of our favourite) pedlars of apparel, SCRT, we were completely sold and, as luck would have it, the rest of their wares follow suit and are decidedly excellent to say the least.
For any fan of streetwear, it is always highly rewarding to find a purveyor of perennial exceptionalness and that’s something that can be applied to the vast array of printed tees and associated accessories that one will find on the digital shelves of the SCRT London store. It is heartening to see clothing brands that are founded by a pair of art and design loving friends still thriving in the face of what is an extremely competitive marketplace.
The quality of the apparel from SCRT really does speak for itself, however, and we here at Coolector HQ certainly aren’t surprised to see this independent London fashion label doing so well. Check out a few of our favourite offerings from SCRT below:
There is an awesome variety to the apparel from SCRT that will unquestionably appeal to those chaps after something a little different for their wardrobe in 2015 and we’re always massive advocates of cracking London labels like this at The Coolector. Smashing designs coupled with a great company ethos, it is great to see the likes of SCRT really forging ahead and we can’t wait to see what else they’ve got in store for the rest of 2015.
See More: SCRT
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