The Sin City series of graphic novels by Frank Miller are nothing short of superb and we here at The Coolector were, admittedly, surprised by the outright awesomeness of the first Sin City movie which hit our screens almost a decade ago now so we’re understandably excited about the next instalment that goes by the name of Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.
Reunited Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller for directing duties again and starring many of the original cast such as Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba and intermingling some new ones like Ray Liotta and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the brilliant sneak peak above of the film has already got us excited about its impending release here at The Coolector.
Set for an August release, there’s still a few months to wait until we can feast our eyes upon this visual spectacle but, safe to say, we’ll be first in line when August rolls around.
See More: Sin City: A Dame to Kill For