To be perfectly honest, we were fully behind this project, the Stainless Steel Fred Water Flask, the minute that we saw they had somehow managed to wangle one of our favourite comedians, Rhys Darby, into their Kickstarter video and, better still, have him in his Murray guise. But back to the product in question, the Stainless Steel Fred Water Flask is a highly stylish looking receptacle that definitely matches our minimalist design tastes here at Coolector HQ and for anyone looking for a new, awesome, water (or booze) carrying receptacle, then this is surely it.
The Stainless Steel Fred Water Flask isn’t necessarily revolutionary but it is certainly mightily cool and we’re supremely impressed not only with the celebrities they’ve managed to get to endorse it but also the understated aesthetic of the finished product itself. Crafted from uncoated, brushed steel, there is a rugged visual appeal to the Fred Stainless Steel Water Flask that will make it stand out to those who are looking for a new drinks carrying receptacle and the whole raison d’etre of the California based brand is to drink more water and less sugar because ‘good things happen’ when you do. And who are we to argue with that. Check out a few more shots of this awesome looking flask below:
The fantastic looking accessory is also available in a number of different colour ways if the spiffing looking brushed stainless steel doesn’t do it for you. It can be ordered from their Kickstarter page in white, charcoal, orange, army green and light blue and with a matte finish for added durability. We love cracking products like this here at Coolector HQ and when you throw Rhys Darby into the mix, we’ve no hesitation in throwing our support behind it.
Show Support: Kickstarter