To me, Star Wars is much like the Godfather insomuch as just when I think I’m out, they pull me back in. And the Star Wars related excellence which has drawn me back into the fold on this particular occasion is the rather excellent looking Star Wars: Tiny Death Star video game above.
This wonderfully retro looking 8-bit game looks to boast plenty of tongue-in-cheek humour, which is something that we here at The Coolector always enjoy. The overall objective of the game sees you assume control of Darth Vader as you try and source funding to build a much-needed new Death Star by creating various nefarious businesses that Vader will run in conjunction with the Dark Emperor.
Star Wars: Tiny Death Star is a collaborative effort between Disney Interactive, LucasArts and NimbleBit and the vintage looking graphics and gameplay look reminiscent of some of The Coolector’s favourite classic games such as Lemmings, Cannon Fodder and Sensible Soccer, so we’re already sold before having even played the addictive looking game.
Price: Free
Available: iTunes or Google Play Store.