As someone who has, somewhat shamefully, avoided cycling for a good few months as a result of being too lazy to repair a punctured tyre, we are understandably delighted to stumble across Tannus Bicycle Tires which are perfectly suited to those of a similar mindset to us as they are tires that never go flat.
Tannus are Korean company who have spent time trying to craft a material that can be used for cycling but one that never goes flat and for anyone who has ever spent time with a puncture repair kit, this will likely be music to their ears. Through the use of cutting edge polymer technology, the Tannus Tires will never lose their shape and go flat which means a safer, more convenient ride for bike lovers out there. Take a look at a few more shots below:
If you love cycling and have been waiting for tire technology to catch up with the other advancements in bike design then Tannus Tires might just be the revelation that you (and we) have been craving.
With no inner tube and thereby no chance of puncture, the Tannus Tire is a great innovation and with the added bonus of looking really cool, we dare say that there will be plenty of bike lovers out there who will want to add these to their rides.
See More: Tannus Tires