Furniture is one area of design in which creativity positively abounds and we’re always amazed with the eye-catching pieces of furniture that we come across here at Coolector HQ and the supremely cool The UnsTable from Urszula Ksiazkiewicz is one of the most imaginative we’ve come across of late and we’re sure there will be plenty of other interior design enthusiasts out there just as enamoured with its great looking aesthetic.
Urszula Ksiazkiewicz is a UK based furniture and product designer and The UnsTable really is a unique looking piece of designer furniture that is quite unlike anything else you will have come across. Cleverly design and aesthetically superior, this cracking piece of furniture is right up our street here at The Coolector and for anyone with an eye for the unusual, it will unquestionably be up yours as well.
Fine Furniture
Contemporary homes are always tricky to decorate in your own unique way but it is through your choice of furniture that you can make your interior design ideas really leap out and this The UnsTable will be singing from the same hymn sheet here. The project began as a response to the transitory nature of a lot of furniture today which sees low cost, low quality pieces purchased and regularly disposed of, adding to the bulky waste issue out there. The UnsTable uses a sensory illusion to create attachment to the piece, namely a kneeling mechanism inspired by zoomorphism which gives the table the look of a living creature.
The changing form of The UnsTable, with legs that essentially give the impression of kneeling add a whole new level of functionality and versatility to this stylish piece of designer furniture. It offers a practical surface for eating, working and even resting as well and has a magnetic component that lets you place small objects such as cups and plates on the surface without worrying that they’re going to slip off.
A clever design underpins all that is great about this first rate piece of furniture from Urszula Ksiazkiewicz and The UnsTable also has two oak coasters with rubberised surfaces that will keep your food and drink in place if you’re using the piece for eating. Aimed at individuals seeking a minimalist aesthetic with their interior design and particularly beneficial for those who find space at a premium in their homes, The UnsTable definitely delivers on the form and function front.
Stoop to Conquer
With the ability to alter the profile of The UnsTable from upright to kneeling is a cool design feature and one that really helps to add a whole new level of versatility to this piece of designer furniture from Urszula Ksiazkiewicz. With so many different ways in which it can be deployed and used, it’s hard not to be impressed with this excellent piece of furniture and we’re definitely big fans of the design and finish here at The Coolector.
Whilst not currently commercially available, The UnsTable is certainly the sort of furniture design that we can get behind and we’re sure that there will be many others out there joining us in hoping that it is made available to buy sooner rather than later because it’s a great piece of design that we’d love to see in Coolector HQ.
See More: Behance