United Monsters

It is a rare day at Coolector HQ when we don’t spend at least some of time trawling the internet for some awesomeness to plonk on our desk and today’s winner is these brilliant looking United Monsters figures that are wonderfully crafted and suitably bonkers.

United Monsters are the work of a Korean team of artisans and have their own backstory and an extensive range to choose from so if you’ve fallen for the not inconsiderable charms of these ace looking figures, then you’ll be glad to hear that there are plenty to collect.

The United Monsters figures are made from 100% concrete and are amongst the most unusual and striking art toys we’ve come across at The Coolector and you can check out a few of our favourites below:









If, like us, you like filling your workspace with weirdness, these United Monsters are sure to tick plenty of your boxes too and they are fantastically well crafted and distinctly unusual. If you’re in the market for some great little desk buddies, we’re will to wager you’ll find few better than United Monsters.

See More: United Monsters