Vollebak Condition Black Jacket

Winter sports aren’t something that we’re overly accomplished at here at Coolector HQ but its definitely important to have the right kit for any of the sports you take part in and so far as skiing and snowboarding are concerned, this excellent looking Vollebak Condition Black Jacket certainly looks like a bit of a must.

The Vollebak Condition Black Jacket has been crafted for those serious about their winter sporting pursuits because it doesn’t just provide an excellent buffer from the inclement weather conditions you typically encounter on mountains, it also has certain design features that are aimed at helping keep you alive should an accident befall you whilst skiing or snowboarding.

This cracking jacket is described by its creators as being like battle armour for those who love exhilarating winter sports and it is crafted from ceraspace™ and NanoSphere® (to name but a few of the materials) so it really is a winter sport accessory on the very cutting edge. Take a look at a few shots below:








This bad ass looking winter sports accessory doesn’t just look the part, it has actual in-built design features which are aimed at helping you keep warm and survive should you find yourself in an avalanche or particularly dreadful conditions whilst enjoying a spot of snowboarding or skiing.

See More: Vollebak