Volvo Trucks World’s Largest Unboxing

For anyone who has spent time surfing around YouTube, the chances are you will have come across a fair few “unboxing” videos in your time but, truth be told, most of these unboxing videos will have been for small accessories like smartphones, audio equipment and televisions but Volvo Trucks had their eyes on the prize and tapped up the Guinness Box of Records for a much larger attempt.

To celebrate the launch of a new truck, the Volvo VN series, Volvo Trucks North America recently set a spectacular record by letting three year old, Joel Jovine, have the honour of unboxing a full size truck and, in the process, work his way into the Guinness Book of World Records for the “largest item ever unboxed”.

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Delivered in a huge “toy” truck box, the Volvo VN isn’t your average unboxing and it was the perfect means of introducing the thoroughly impressive new capabilities of Volvo’s latest release which includes technology that meets the requirements of today’s long-haul customers and professional drivers through innovative methods of enhancing efficiency, productivity, safety and uptime.


This brilliant video illustrates the unbridled joy that Joel Jovine had in receiving delivery of this huge truck which was a life size version of some of is own favourite toys. In the engaging video celebrating Volvo’s new range, you see the extremely large toy truck box, measuring 80’x14’x18’, waiting on the street in a residential area, and then the fantastic reaction when Joel Jovine gets the chance to unbox the new Volvo VNL model. He also gets to clamber into the truck’s cab for a firsthand look, and then takes a ride with a professional driver.

Volvo Trucks always find great ways of announcing company news and this Guinness World Record unboxing is probably one of their funniest and most engaging to date. For those with a love of watching unboxing videos on Youtube it’s fair to say you won’t have seen many quite like this before.

A Giant Record

With Volvo Trucks helping Joel Jovine wing his way into the record books, the real story here though is the amazing features of their new VN Series of truck. By using a clever packaging for their new truck Volvo were able to blow any other unboxing out of the water and the video of this endeavour certainly makes for an entertaining watch.

Hats off to Volvo Trucks for yet another heart warming campaign to showcase their latest machine and for those of you that are avid readers of the Guinness Book of Records, this marketing campaign is certainly going to resonate rather well with your sensibilities, as it does ours here at Coolector HQ.

See More: Volvo Trucks

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