Having watched Boardwalk Empire of late at a near obsessive level here at Coolector HQ, our preoccupation with spirits and cocktails is at fever pitch and that’s most likely the reason that this decidedly spiffing W &P Cocktail Kit has caught our eye. Making cocktails is something that we’re neither well-versed our proficient at but this is a situation that we would hope to remedy in the not too distant future and this superb looking cocktail kit might just be the ally we need to help us accomplish this objective.
Cocktail making is somewhat of an art form and much in the same way an artist can’t create without his tools, nor can you make suitably delicious cocktails without the requisite materials for the job and each of those you will find in the great-looking cocktail kit from W & P. We’re firm fans of the wonderfully dapper aesthetic of the kit itself which looks as though it could have been lifted straight out of Prohibition era Atlantic City and within the set you’ll find each of the key components for making first rate cocktails at home.
The kit includes all the components that you’ll need for making cocktails on the go (including a fantastically stylish travel bag) and for those who don’t want to do without cocktails when they’re out and about or in the wild, this will tick all of the right boxes. For your own edification, we’ll let you know what’s included in the W & P Cocktail Kit – it boasts a W & P canvas and leather carry bag, a mason shaker, one muddler, one jigger, two W & P cocktail napkins and two W & P cocktail coupes. If you’re a lover of all thinks cocktails then this is undoubtedly the set for you.
See More: Mason Shaker