Wingback Card Holders

Men’s wallets today are gradually gravitating towards a considerably more minimalist aesthetic but you simply cannot sacrifice functionality and versatility as a result and these awesome looking Wingback Card Holders definitely don’t do that and will offer more style and carry options than you can shake a stick at.

Wingback is a London based purveyor of cracking pieces of everyday carry and their latest collection of card holders carries on their rich tradition of providing luxurious and customisable solutions to men’s daily wallet requirements.

If you want your own carry to be understated and to your own tastes (Wingback give you control over the stitching colours and allow for monograming) then you’ll be hard pressed to find a better fit than this – take a look at a few more images of these great looking pieces of EDC below:

Wallet Charcoal 2

Wallet Chestnut 3

Wallet Whisky 01

Wallet Whisky 02



Wallet Whisky 04

Wallet Charcoal 5

We’re massive fans of brands like Wingback here at Coolector HQ as they place quality craftsmanship above making a quick buck and this positively shines through in their latest series of card holders which, let’s face it, are a definite safe pair of hands when looking for the ideal Christmas gift for men this year.

See More: Wingback