With Halloween a mere matter of days away now, there is, almost certainly, a large amount of unprepared individuals out there so far as a costume is concerned but you need not trouble yourself as we’ve just encountered some brilliantly inventive costumes which are also remarkably affordable. The costumes in question go by the name of Wintercroft Masks and they are the work of a Redruth based artisan with a real eye for geometric details. Boasting all manner of fantastic designs such as skeletons, pumpkins and werewolves, you’re sure to find the perfect mask for your Halloween endeavours this year.
Wintercroft doesn’t actually deliver the masks to you, they supply the requisite plans for you to make the masks yourselves out of recycled cardboard boxes so not only do you get to look awesome this Halloween, you’ll actually have the satisfaction that comes with making something with your own two hands. We’re pretty amazed with some of the finished products that can come from the detailed instructions from Wintercroft here at Coolector HQ and you can check out some of the best looking creations below:
The customability of the masks from Wintercroft polygonal masks (in so much as you can decorate them in any manner that you see fit) makes them even more appealing for use this Halloween and if you want to ramp up your scare count on the 31st, then these cracking masks should definitely help to facilitate that.
See More: Etsy
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