A workspace should be a conduit to productivity and, in our cluttered case, this is seldom the way it pans out. Minimalism is what we shoot for, mess is what we get. This is, however, perhaps because of the fact we haven’t found the right furniture for our workspace here at Coolector HQ but now that we’ve come across this outrageously dapper Wynd Writing Desk by Piet Houtenbos that might be all about to change.
The Wynd Writing Desk was designed by Houtenbos to be a new way of thinking about and approaching desk storage and, we have to say, we definitely like the Dutch bred, Manhattan dwelling designer’s way of thinking. Stylish in the extreme, this eye-catching, albeit wonderfully simple, piece of furniture would certainly make the ideal addition to Coolector HQ and will be equally at home with anyone who craves an uncluttered, simplified workspace i.e. graphic designers, illustrators, copywriters and the like.
If all you typically work with on a daily basis is a laptop then all you need is a Wynd Writing Desk which boasts an ultra-thin design with a built in layer of storage for your computer (and other odds and ends) when not in use. Offering a highly intuitive storage solution that is both extremely functional and aesthetically pleasing, the Wynd Writing Desk has become our new must-have work space essential and we’ve fallen for its slim, sleek and unerringly stylish design and you can see for yourself below just why we’ve fallen so hard for this stunning piece of designer furniture:
We’re big fans of talented designers here at Coolector HQ and Piet Houtenbos has definitely found himself well and truly on our list with his cracking collection of designer furniture of which his Wynd Writing Desk is unquestionably our favourite.
We are perennially on the lookout for tools for enhancing our productivity here at The Coolector and we can’t help but think that a writing desk of this undoubted awesomeness will be a creative catalyst and we salute Houtenbos’ talents in designing such an attractive and minimalistic piece.
See More: Piet Houtenbos